This article is the first of three required for Managing Itineraries in WebRes. The others are:
- Manage Itinerary Items
- Link Tours to an Itinerary
Itinerary Settings & What They Affect
This is the title for the Itinerary. This is both the internal and external title that's used for the Itinerary.
The subtitle of the tour should be a small piece of information that elaborates on the contents of the Itinerary but is smaller than the detail included in the Summary Description.
Summary Description
The Summary Description contains the bulk of the information about the Itinerary before you include items. This would be your intro paragraph, or the full description of your itinerary, depending on how you've got your Itinerary page configured.
Main Itinerary Image
This is the main image that will display at the top of the Itinerary when viewed. This can be any existing image that you have uploaded to the /images folder of your site, or you can upload another during the process of adding it to the Itinerary.
Main Itinerary Image Attribution
This allows you to enter attribution for the above image.
Search Results Image
This is the image that will be displayed when the Itinerary appears on a Search Results page. These images (depending on design) tend to be more square in ratio.
Search Results Image Attribution
This allows you to enter attribution for the above image.
Category 1 & Category 2
Itinerary categories enable you to structure your itineraries and allows customers to filter down results on your website to find the Tour they're looking for. These can be managed in the Category Manager.
As of WebRes version 6.1, Itinerary categories are no longer mandatory for creating Itineraries. If you find you encounter issues on Itineraries that don't have categories, call in and contact a member of the WebRes team. Filter Code
This is a legacy field left in to aid long-serving customers. We do not recommend using this feature going forwards.
Booking Confirmation Template
This tells WebRes which format and layout you wish to use when sending a Booking Confirmation to an end-user that's just booked their spot on a tour.
For more information on what information you can put in Booking Confirmations, please
check this article.
Specific Keywords
This field allows you to enter specific keywords to help the user find this itinerary using alternative search terms, and generally increases the likelihood of the result being returned in a search performed by a user.
Premium Seat Price
This allows you to specifiy the price a customer would have to pay on top of a standard tour price, if they wish to sit in a premium seat.
Premium Seat Numbers
This allows you to specifiy which seats on the coach are considered premium. This is done by entering a comma separated list of seat numbers e.g. 1,2,3,4.
Disabled Seats
Similarly to Premium Seat Numbers, this allows you to specify which seats on the Itinerary are reserved for people with disabilities.