What information can I display in my Booking Confirmation Email?

What information can I display in my Booking Confirmation Email?

You can add all kinds of information into Booking Confirmation E-mails to help Customers with their bookings after their purchases. Below is a list of all fields that can be added to the Confirmation E-mails to make sure your customers have all they need. Find the piece of information you'd like to add below, then find the associated field marker to insert into your Confirmation E-mail Template.

Not sure where the Booking Confirmation Email settings are? They can be found in the Admin section of your WebRes 6 under - Settings -> Booking Confirmation Emails

Tour Fields

Field Name
Field Marker
Booking Reference
Booking Date
Credit Card Number
Lead Customer
Tour Date
Total Cost
Amount Taken
Pickup Summary
Booking Terms
Payment Type
Deposit Expiry

Passenger Fields

Field Name
Field Marker
Number of Passengers
Passenger List

The following Rail fields are only available once you have integrated your WebRes system with a valid Evolvi account

Rail TOD Fields

Field Name
Field Marker
Rail TOD Reference
Rail TOD Location

Rail Outward Fields

Field Name
Field Marker
Rail Outward Departure Date
Rail Outward Station
Rail Outward Departure Time
Rail Outward Arrival Time
Rail Outward Operator
Rail Outward Seats
Rail Outward Message

Rail Return Fields

Field Name
Field Marker
Rail Return Departure Date
Rail Return Station
Rail Return Departure Time
Rail Return Arrival Time
Rail Return Operator
Rail Return Seats
Rail Return Message

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