Adding driver or vehicle events

Adding driver or vehicle events

To create a new event and mark a driver or vehicle as unavailable within PHCloud, follow these steps:

Video Example [Click Here]

Step 1: Access the "Resources" Section

  1. Open the "Resources" section for PHCloud
  2. Navigate to the "Resources" section using the provided menu options.

Step 2: Select "Drivers"

  1. From the "Resources" section, click on the "Drivers" option to view a list of all drivers.

Step 3: Choose the Driver

  1. Identify the specific driver for whom you intend to create the event.
  2. Click on the name of the driver to access their profile and scheduling details.

Step 4: Access the Schedule Tab

  1. Within the driver's profile, locate and select the "Schedule" tab. This tab provides a comprehensive view of the driver's schedule and facilitates event creation.

Step 5: Select the Date

  1. Browse through the schedule and identify the date on which you want the event to commence.
  2. Click on the desired date to initiate the event creation process.

Step 6: Fill in Event Information

  1. A panel will appear, prompting you to enter essential information for the event.
  2. Provide a "Name" for the event, indicating its purpose (e.g., "Training Session" or "Vehicle Maintenance").
  3. Specify the "Start date" and "End date" of the event.
  4. The driver's name will be pre-filled in the "Driver" field.
  5. If applicable, choose the relevant "Vehicle" from the dropdown menu. Select "Please Select" if it's not applicable.
  6. Select an appropriate "Category" that best represents the event's purpose (e.g., "Training," "Maintenance," or "Blocked Time").
  7. Add any relevant details or notes about the event in the "Description" field.

Step 7: Review and Confirm

  1. Thoroughly review all the entered event details to ensure accuracy and clarity.
  2. Double-check the information to make sure it aligns with your intended event.

Step 8: Finalize the Event

  1. Once you are confident that all the details are accurate, click the "Save" or "Create Event" button to finalize the process.
  2. The event will be created, and the driver or vehicle will be marked as unavailable during the specified time frame.
If you have any other questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact our support team, who will be happy to help.

Opening Hours

Mon-Thu - 0900 - 1730
Friday       - 0900 - 1700
T: 01302 841333

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